Saturday, April 4, 2015

An overdue update...

Sorry for my lack of posting.  There is a reason for this...but first, let me update you on last week's activities:


- I went through some orientations to learn a little bit more about Bethesda, the school (Jabulane Christian Academy), how things run, and a little bit about my role in it all :).
- I spent the rest of day helping organize paperwork at the school office and helping prepare for the team from the states that was coming in the evening.


- I spent the morning with team, going through more orientations :).
- During the afternoon, I was able to make some banana bread for my Aunt and Uncle's 44th Anniversary while babysitting some kids.
- Then, I was able to play on the playground with some of the kids.  It's been such an encouragement to slllooowwwwllllyyyy get to know the kids here at Bethesda.

This is Banele, Nkosi, and Siya - cute little boys who love to play, make mischief, and melt hearts :)
See what I mean?

This is Busi (the newest Bethesda child) and Zintle.  It has been great fun to love on Busi as she slowly starts to learn English and adjust to living life in a real family for the first time

- For dinner, I was able to go with some team members to one of the house families' home.  Our group of three went to the Letswalo family's home.  They have nine children living with them - just like my family! So, I felt right at home :).

This is Dipuo - I had the hardest time pronouncing her name, so she wrote it down for me and gave it to me before I left so that I "would never forget it" :)

Wednesday was quite the day!! 

It started off with an hour to observe a classroom at the school.  Well, at least that's what I was told.  I ended up teaching the class for a good portion of that hour.  I was put in the 2nd grade class and as soon as I walked in, the teacher asked if I was ready to teach devotions for the kids.  Um, sure! 
I ended up having a ball.  Patricia, the teacher, was so gracious and fun.  And the kids payed attention well.   I shared, we sang songs, and I answered lots of questions about snow back home :).  

When the teacher heard that this was my first time ever doing this, she's said, "We need a picture of this!!"
What a fun class :).

After that, I was able to join the team on a trip to the town of Stinkwater to help a church there.  That was quite the eye-opening experience.   The name of the town fits its condition very well.  It is a very poor community.  The church runs a daycare for children not old enough to attend school.  Most of the children are dropped off by their older siblings because they don't have parents to watch over them.  Many of the children in Bethesda came from Stinkwater.  So, the trip helped give me a perspective of what a lot of the Bethesda children had been through before they came to Bethesda.  

We helped till up and plant some of the church's garden.  They use this garden to help feed the children. 

Covering it with netting so the birds don't destroy it :). 

Pastor Christian and his wife, Claudia
When we came back to Bethesda, we cleaned up and got ready to go on a game drive!  That was a super fun experience :).  My phone didn't capture amazing pictures of what we saw - zebra, giraffe, wildebeest, warthogs, blesbok, and the most impressive - two elephants!   

We got really close to this one!!

- I did a lot of office work for the school. 
- In the evening, we watched a movie - "Yesterday."  It was a stirring picture of how real the epidemic of AIDS is in South Africa.  


- I helped prepare a special African lunch for the team....  

Chicken feet and Mopane worms! Anyone hungry?

I could have done without the mopane worms....

The chicken feet weren't too bad...
In the afternoon, I went with the team to Hartbeesport to do some shopping...err, bartering.  I had never done anything like this before - at first, I was super nervous being bombarded with "salesmen" trying to sell me their stuff for a "good deal just for me" - but I ended up having SO much fun! And I got some really good deals too :). 

A small taste of what the market looked like
On our way back, we saw this beautiful rainbow!
That evening, we ate at a place called Carnivores.  Basically, an all-you-can-eat-exotic-meats restaurant.  Very cool. 

The menu.  There were fourteen different meats....I tried all of them!
Hope you're hungry! 

My plate...everything was so good...everything except for the chicken liver that is :). 

My favorite was the crocodile.  Yum. 

- The team put on camps for all the Bethesda kids.  It was a blast to be able to help out with all the activities!

First was the little guys :)

Umm, I look...happy....haha, Nkosi is just so chill :)

Craft time!

They LOVED the parachute! 
Tenting out with Nkosi and Prima :)

 Next was the older kids...these guys were intense!! 
Flour tag
Team-work games...this one was harder than it looked
Clothes-pin tag...this game was the hit! 

We attended church with another Bethesda family.  What another wonderful experience.  These Africans have so much joy in their worship.  

They met in an abandoned garage...but this did not stop them from praising the Lord with all their hearts! 
So, that's a summary of last week's activities! I am so thankful for all that the Lord allowed me to do...So many unique experiences.   

When I came home on Sunday night, however, I was met with news I didn't expect or want to hear.  Due to unseen unfortunate circumstances, my aunt and uncle needed to return to the States early.  And that meant that I needed to go with them.  So, I was told that I was leaving on Tuesday afternoon.  

This was super hard to hear and accept.  I was planning to be at Bethesda for two whole months.  Why would God give me the desire for this trip, provide all the funds and support for it, and get me here safely only to take me back home 12 days into it?  And to say the truth, I don't really know. 

But I do know that God doesn't make mistakes.  This was all apart of His sovereign plan.  If I've learned anything from this whole experience, it is that God is in control.  

 One unexpected aspect of the trip was the wonderful bond I was able to form with my Uncle John and Aunt Lois.  I would never trade the relationship I've formed with them through this trip for anything.  I learned so much from spending time with them, seeing their ministry at Bethesda, observing/experiencing their love for people and their overwhelming generosity.  What a huge blessing they were to me! 

I grew to love them so much

Now, I'm home.  And I have a whole month and a half of time to fill.  It's weird because I'm not worried about what I'm going to do.  I know my main purpose.  If I've learned anything from this trip, it's that I want all my life, all my time, and all my resources to be used for the glory of God.   To live is Christ.  No matter where I am or what I'm doing, this is my goal.  And I know that with my God in charge of my itinerary, I'll never be at a loss for things to do (even if it's not the things I've planned).  He'll place me right where He wants me at all the right times.  And I can't think of a better place to be!


  1. What an amazing trip! Sad that it wasn't as long as expected but so glad the Lord used it in your life! :) Love and prayers for safe travels <3

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures and notes, Hannah! [And, wow, crocodile, worms, chicken feet - sounds like an adventure. :)] My heart aches for you that you had to leave so much earlier than expected, but I'm so glad you got to go + I'm sure the Lord worked through you to bless so many in the time that you were there!! Your last paragraphs are super convicting/inspiring - yes, so thankful that He's in control. Much love!!

  3. Thank you for sharing Hannah, I loved reading it all!!!

  4. Hannah, I'm inspired reading your testimony here. In 4 weeks I'll be flying over to teach and serve in Uganda for the summer. Hearing of the changes in your plans must have been pretty crushing- I know I would be upset after all the preparation I've put into my trip. But you are so right: God is sovereign and makes no mistakes. He directs us to places where we can best bring Him glory. God will bless you, girl, for your joyful and trusting spirit in this. Prayers! <3

  5. That was a wonderful adventure! I am so happy for you!
    I noticed that you will be on the national BB GS! Congrats! Can you recap it for those of us that can't go to it on your blog? :)
    ~Fellow Bible Bee- er

  6. Hi Hannah! You don't know who I am... but I know who you are...

    I'm in Bible Bee too and I'm a Junior and I LOVED watching the Game Show! (I know something I'm not supposed to know about it yet... that's why I didn't really mind that you didn't make Semis ;)

    Are you on Memverse? That's where I heard about you. :P I think Rachel C. told me about you (she mentioned your name and that you were in a BB video and I asked who you were).

    Oh and I also LOVE the epic version of you know you're in Bible Bee! My sister used to watch that all the time!! :D

    Your adventures in Africa look super fun! Sorry that you weren't able to stay as long as planned... but... we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
    (Romans 8:28 ESV) (What Bible version do you use?
