Saturday, April 4, 2015

An overdue update...

Sorry for my lack of posting.  There is a reason for this...but first, let me update you on last week's activities:


- I went through some orientations to learn a little bit more about Bethesda, the school (Jabulane Christian Academy), how things run, and a little bit about my role in it all :).
- I spent the rest of day helping organize paperwork at the school office and helping prepare for the team from the states that was coming in the evening.


- I spent the morning with team, going through more orientations :).
- During the afternoon, I was able to make some banana bread for my Aunt and Uncle's 44th Anniversary while babysitting some kids.
- Then, I was able to play on the playground with some of the kids.  It's been such an encouragement to slllooowwwwllllyyyy get to know the kids here at Bethesda.

This is Banele, Nkosi, and Siya - cute little boys who love to play, make mischief, and melt hearts :)
See what I mean?

This is Busi (the newest Bethesda child) and Zintle.  It has been great fun to love on Busi as she slowly starts to learn English and adjust to living life in a real family for the first time

- For dinner, I was able to go with some team members to one of the house families' home.  Our group of three went to the Letswalo family's home.  They have nine children living with them - just like my family! So, I felt right at home :).

This is Dipuo - I had the hardest time pronouncing her name, so she wrote it down for me and gave it to me before I left so that I "would never forget it" :)

Wednesday was quite the day!! 

It started off with an hour to observe a classroom at the school.  Well, at least that's what I was told.  I ended up teaching the class for a good portion of that hour.  I was put in the 2nd grade class and as soon as I walked in, the teacher asked if I was ready to teach devotions for the kids.  Um, sure! 
I ended up having a ball.  Patricia, the teacher, was so gracious and fun.  And the kids payed attention well.   I shared, we sang songs, and I answered lots of questions about snow back home :).  

When the teacher heard that this was my first time ever doing this, she's said, "We need a picture of this!!"
What a fun class :).

After that, I was able to join the team on a trip to the town of Stinkwater to help a church there.  That was quite the eye-opening experience.   The name of the town fits its condition very well.  It is a very poor community.  The church runs a daycare for children not old enough to attend school.  Most of the children are dropped off by their older siblings because they don't have parents to watch over them.  Many of the children in Bethesda came from Stinkwater.  So, the trip helped give me a perspective of what a lot of the Bethesda children had been through before they came to Bethesda.  

We helped till up and plant some of the church's garden.  They use this garden to help feed the children. 

Covering it with netting so the birds don't destroy it :). 

Pastor Christian and his wife, Claudia
When we came back to Bethesda, we cleaned up and got ready to go on a game drive!  That was a super fun experience :).  My phone didn't capture amazing pictures of what we saw - zebra, giraffe, wildebeest, warthogs, blesbok, and the most impressive - two elephants!   

We got really close to this one!!

- I did a lot of office work for the school. 
- In the evening, we watched a movie - "Yesterday."  It was a stirring picture of how real the epidemic of AIDS is in South Africa.  


- I helped prepare a special African lunch for the team....  

Chicken feet and Mopane worms! Anyone hungry?

I could have done without the mopane worms....

The chicken feet weren't too bad...
In the afternoon, I went with the team to Hartbeesport to do some shopping...err, bartering.  I had never done anything like this before - at first, I was super nervous being bombarded with "salesmen" trying to sell me their stuff for a "good deal just for me" - but I ended up having SO much fun! And I got some really good deals too :). 

A small taste of what the market looked like
On our way back, we saw this beautiful rainbow!
That evening, we ate at a place called Carnivores.  Basically, an all-you-can-eat-exotic-meats restaurant.  Very cool. 

The menu.  There were fourteen different meats....I tried all of them!
Hope you're hungry! 

My plate...everything was so good...everything except for the chicken liver that is :). 

My favorite was the crocodile.  Yum. 

- The team put on camps for all the Bethesda kids.  It was a blast to be able to help out with all the activities!

First was the little guys :)

Umm, I look...happy....haha, Nkosi is just so chill :)

Craft time!

They LOVED the parachute! 
Tenting out with Nkosi and Prima :)

 Next was the older kids...these guys were intense!! 
Flour tag
Team-work games...this one was harder than it looked
Clothes-pin tag...this game was the hit! 

We attended church with another Bethesda family.  What another wonderful experience.  These Africans have so much joy in their worship.  

They met in an abandoned garage...but this did not stop them from praising the Lord with all their hearts! 
So, that's a summary of last week's activities! I am so thankful for all that the Lord allowed me to do...So many unique experiences.   

When I came home on Sunday night, however, I was met with news I didn't expect or want to hear.  Due to unseen unfortunate circumstances, my aunt and uncle needed to return to the States early.  And that meant that I needed to go with them.  So, I was told that I was leaving on Tuesday afternoon.  

This was super hard to hear and accept.  I was planning to be at Bethesda for two whole months.  Why would God give me the desire for this trip, provide all the funds and support for it, and get me here safely only to take me back home 12 days into it?  And to say the truth, I don't really know. 

But I do know that God doesn't make mistakes.  This was all apart of His sovereign plan.  If I've learned anything from this whole experience, it is that God is in control.  

 One unexpected aspect of the trip was the wonderful bond I was able to form with my Uncle John and Aunt Lois.  I would never trade the relationship I've formed with them through this trip for anything.  I learned so much from spending time with them, seeing their ministry at Bethesda, observing/experiencing their love for people and their overwhelming generosity.  What a huge blessing they were to me! 

I grew to love them so much

Now, I'm home.  And I have a whole month and a half of time to fill.  It's weird because I'm not worried about what I'm going to do.  I know my main purpose.  If I've learned anything from this trip, it's that I want all my life, all my time, and all my resources to be used for the glory of God.   To live is Christ.  No matter where I am or what I'm doing, this is my goal.  And I know that with my God in charge of my itinerary, I'll never be at a loss for things to do (even if it's not the things I've planned).  He'll place me right where He wants me at all the right times.  And I can't think of a better place to be!

Monday, March 23, 2015

In which I cross the Atlantic...And enter a New World :)

Well, I have arrived at Bethesda! Here's a summary of all that's transpired thus far =D.

Ready to go!!!

I met my Uncle John and Aunt Lois in Atlanta and was so encouraged by their loving and warm welcome.  I have SO enjoyed being able to spend time with them.  
 It was a super long flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg - about 15 hours.  There were so many ways I saw God's hand as we traveled.   I was worried about how my body (stomach) would handle the flights; I had absolutely no problems.  Also, the flight to Johannesburg was not full (which is rare), so we were able to spread out a little bit.  This allowed me to sleep a little better :). 

Here are some pictures I captured on the plane:

The ever present countdown.... (Daddy, this is especially for you :).
We flew into the sunrise - beautiful
Those who know me well will know why this makes me smile :)

 We arrived with no troubles! 
In which I learn that South Africans drive on left side of road - this is SO weird to get used to!

We grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading to Bethesda.  It was dark when we arrived.   We lost six hours during our body was all mixed up :).  

On Friday, I was able to participate in Sports Day at the school.  It was fun to be able to meet some of kids and play with them.

Cheering on the sidelines with Team Yellow

The little girls absolutely LOVED playing with my hair!! I think I had about seven girls playing on my hair at the same time at one may or may not have been slightly painful :).

After an extremely full day right off the bat, it was a huge blessing to be able to relax on Saturday, take a much needed nap, and get settled in my new room:
This is the first time I've ever had my own room!!
(I like it, but I sure do miss sharing with my sisters too =D)

On Sunday, I had the privilege to attend church with one of the families from Bethesda.  What an unique experience! I really don't know how to describe it - so simple and yet so genuine.   It was such a blessing to see a different culture worship the same God in such a different way.  Worship is not about a method.   Worship is praising and magnifying the Lord with a genuine heart.  And this was so clearly exhibited at this worship service.    

This was the church building - with Bosi, the newest Bethesda child smiling in front :)

After the service (which went from 9:30 to 12:15 with no breaks), I was able to go outside and play with the younger kids during a meeting for the adults.  

They LOVED posing for the camera

 I introduced them to selfies :).  And no, that is not my finger...
We rode in a taxi to and from church - this is the main means of transportation here. 

 This week is going to be busy as Bethesda is hosting a missions team from a church in the states.  I can't wait to continue to meet and get to know everyone here.  My brain has been on information-overload these past few days with so many new customs, words, people, names, and places.  So many fascinating things I'm learning about this new culture! And I can't wait to dive in deeper :). 

Here are some prayer requests I have:
  • Pray that I would get an adequate amount of rest and quiet time.  
  • Pray that I would be able to recall all the information being thrown at me :).  Pray especially that I would remember names and start to be able to put names with faces - and that this will allow me to be able to start developing relationships.   
  • Pray that I would be able to point people to Christ in my work, attitude, and words.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers - what a blessing! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ready for Take-Off!

The surprise cake from my Sunday School Class - I am so blessed with an amazing Church family!

Lord willing, in 28 hours, I'll be boarding a plane headed for South Africa.  I can't wait.  This past week at home has been super good for me.  The Lord knew I needed an extra week at home to simply be still, take a break from all the hustle and bustle, and simply be faithful in the little things.  One of my prayer requests for this trip is that the Lord would teach me flexibility, to simply serve however He wants me to.  This week was a great start to learning this.  I am constantly amazed at the Lord's perfect plan....just when I think I've figured it out, He gives me something far better :).  

As I look back at these past few months, I am simply overwhelmed at God's faithfulness to me.    For some years now, He has given me this desire to take a missions trip.  And so I prayed that He would open up a door if that was His will.   Then, at the beginning of this year, He showed me this opportunity to go to Bethesda Outreach.  Again and again, He has confirmed that this is exactly where He wants me to go.   He has figured out the perfect timing and gave me the perfect flights (which are different than I originally thought).   He has supplied exceedingly abundantly above my financial needs for this trip.  I am simply overwhelmed by the generosity of my family and friends.   And not only financially, but the Lord has blessed me with an amazing group of family and friends who are supporting me through prayers and heart-felt encouragement.  I am so grateful for the love that has been poured out to me.

I don't know why I ever doubt God's provision.  When I initially made the plans for this trip, I really had no idea how He would supply.  But I've learned that when I follow the Lord's leading, He will never disappoint me.  I simply need to trust and obey.   His ways always surpass my wildest dreams.

And as I look at all these way God has provided, I am confident that South Africa is where the Lord wants me for the next seven weeks.   I am so excited.  I don't know exactly what the Lord has in store for me through this trip.  But I can't wait to find out.

As I take-off, here are a few prayer requests that I have:
  • Health and safety as I travel.  It's going to be a long flight - pray for an extra measure of patience and grace.
  • An open heart to the Lord's leading and teaching.  Like I said, so much is unknown - pray that I would learn and grow according to His perfect plan for this trip. 
  • A servant's spirit in whatever opportunities He puts in my path.  I'm going to serve - pray that I would do so joyfully and with a heart to minister to people.  
  • A Gospel-centered mindset.  To live is Christ - pray that I would point people to Christ and that He would be glorified in all that I do and say.  

Monday, March 9, 2015

When Plans Change...

Today was supposed to be my last full day here in the states.   I've been extremely busy this past week making sure everything on the home front is accomplished before I leave.   My schedule was crammed until today when I was supposed to simply pack and finish the final details for my trip.

Everything was perfectly planned out.

Or so I thought.  God apparently has different plans.  Last night, I found out that my flight has been postponed until next week.   My Uncle John and Aunt Lois need to stay here in the States for another week due to an unexpected, tragic death in their extended family.   And so, our departure date is now next Wednesday.

I am a very schedule-oriented person.  Everything is always planned out and I'm always trying to make the most of the time I have.   Ironically, one of reasons I want to go on this trip is so that I can learn to simply be available to serve without my personal schedules or to-do lists.  Now, I am at home another week with absolutely no plans.   At first, this was very frustrating.  I want to be in South Africa this week.

But God has very clearly shown that His plan is for me to be here.  It's hard to accept this, but I need to trust that "His ways are higher than my ways."  This is something I've really been learning a lot of recently.  I've been praying for a servant's heart and flexibility as I minister these next two months.  I did not think He would answer my prayer with this.  The first thing I thought when I heard that the trip was postponed was: "What am I going to do these next 9 days???"  But the thing is, I didn't know exactly what I was going to be doing at Bethesda these next 9 days either except to serve where I was needed.  Maybe that's what God wants me to do here.  Maybe He allowed me to finish up all my responsibilities and projects without knowing that the trip was going to be postponed so that I would be available to serve and minister here wherever I'm needed.  

Just last night, we had a missionary at our church who shared a story of a missions trip he and his wife went on.  His wife had important projects she was supposed to do on the trip, but they fell through and she was given the task of drying wet Bibles.  She learned the lesson of being faithful in the small, seemingly insignificant things of service.   Staying home for a week with no specific plans seems very small and insignificant compared to flying over to Africa and serving orphans.   But that's what God's called me to do this week.  I pray that I will be faithful in whatever opportunities He puts in my path.  

So, I'm still headed to Africa.  But there are a few things that God wants me to learn here first.  I don't know exactly what I'll be doing this next week.  But instead of viewing this delay as a delay, I'm trying to view it as part of my trip.  Because missions doesn't just happen in Africa.  It happens wherever I am.   Missions isn't about a place or specific act of service.  It's about living life for the advancement of the Gospel.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Departure: Four weeks!

    These past few months have gone by so fast!  So many things have happened and it's been amazing to see God continue to provide and organize the details of this trip.  When I bought my ticket in November, I knew that this trip was definitely something God wanted me to do.   A missions trip was something that had been on my heart for many years.  But I had no idea when, where, or how.  So, all throughout 2014, it was humbling to see God open the doors for me to go to Bethesda Outreach in South Africa.
     Ever since I bought the ticket, I have been simply amazed at God's faithfulness and overwhelming presence throughout all my preparations.  I had my plans for how everything would work out, but throughout these months, I have learned so much about trusting and following God's lead.  It's not always easy to trust when things don't make sense from my human perspective.   But the Lord has been preparing my heart and opening my eyes to His plans.  And I'm finding that His ways are so much greater and better than my ways.  What an exciting adventure to live day by day trusting the Lord and to simply be amazed at His perfect ways!  It is such a comforting thought that He has all the details planned out and all I have to do is follow His lead!
    I'm rounding the last corner of preparations now.  Only four more weeks until I leave.  My schedule until departure is very full.  Yet, I am SO excited for this trip!   Recently, the Lord has really impressed on me the importance of serving and investing in relationships - ultimately, so that I can proclaim Christ.  So often, I get caught up in my own "to-do" list that I forget to look around me and find time to reach out.  I become so busy that I'm not available to serve.   In light of eternity, my personal accomplishments, projects, and "to-do" lists will have little significance if I do not prioritize investing in relationships and sharing Christ's love with others by serving and ministering to them.
    I'm learning to make ministry/serving/relationships a main priority in my everyday life here in the States.  And I am super excited about this trip and how it will allow me to focus 100% on investing in the lives of people.  I won't have any pressing personal obligations or projects.  I will be able to dedicate myself completely to ministering to the children and staff at Bethesda Outreach.  What a wonderful opportunity!
As I spend these next few weeks here in the States, here are some prayer requests that I have:
  • Wise time management - that I would redeem the time and properly balance school, projects, and preparations
  • Quality time with family and friends - that I would prioritize the importance of relationships even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of deadlines, preparations, and packing.
  • An open heart to the Lord's working - that I would keep my eyes fixed on Christ and seek Him above all else. 
I have been overwhelmed by the loving support of my family and friends throughout these months.  Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement, and support - what a wonderful gift from God!