Monday, March 23, 2015

In which I cross the Atlantic...And enter a New World :)

Well, I have arrived at Bethesda! Here's a summary of all that's transpired thus far =D.

Ready to go!!!

I met my Uncle John and Aunt Lois in Atlanta and was so encouraged by their loving and warm welcome.  I have SO enjoyed being able to spend time with them.  
 It was a super long flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg - about 15 hours.  There were so many ways I saw God's hand as we traveled.   I was worried about how my body (stomach) would handle the flights; I had absolutely no problems.  Also, the flight to Johannesburg was not full (which is rare), so we were able to spread out a little bit.  This allowed me to sleep a little better :). 

Here are some pictures I captured on the plane:

The ever present countdown.... (Daddy, this is especially for you :).
We flew into the sunrise - beautiful
Those who know me well will know why this makes me smile :)

 We arrived with no troubles! 
In which I learn that South Africans drive on left side of road - this is SO weird to get used to!

We grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading to Bethesda.  It was dark when we arrived.   We lost six hours during our body was all mixed up :).  

On Friday, I was able to participate in Sports Day at the school.  It was fun to be able to meet some of kids and play with them.

Cheering on the sidelines with Team Yellow

The little girls absolutely LOVED playing with my hair!! I think I had about seven girls playing on my hair at the same time at one may or may not have been slightly painful :).

After an extremely full day right off the bat, it was a huge blessing to be able to relax on Saturday, take a much needed nap, and get settled in my new room:
This is the first time I've ever had my own room!!
(I like it, but I sure do miss sharing with my sisters too =D)

On Sunday, I had the privilege to attend church with one of the families from Bethesda.  What an unique experience! I really don't know how to describe it - so simple and yet so genuine.   It was such a blessing to see a different culture worship the same God in such a different way.  Worship is not about a method.   Worship is praising and magnifying the Lord with a genuine heart.  And this was so clearly exhibited at this worship service.    

This was the church building - with Bosi, the newest Bethesda child smiling in front :)

After the service (which went from 9:30 to 12:15 with no breaks), I was able to go outside and play with the younger kids during a meeting for the adults.  

They LOVED posing for the camera

 I introduced them to selfies :).  And no, that is not my finger...
We rode in a taxi to and from church - this is the main means of transportation here. 

 This week is going to be busy as Bethesda is hosting a missions team from a church in the states.  I can't wait to continue to meet and get to know everyone here.  My brain has been on information-overload these past few days with so many new customs, words, people, names, and places.  So many fascinating things I'm learning about this new culture! And I can't wait to dive in deeper :). 

Here are some prayer requests I have:
  • Pray that I would get an adequate amount of rest and quiet time.  
  • Pray that I would be able to recall all the information being thrown at me :).  Pray especially that I would remember names and start to be able to put names with faces - and that this will allow me to be able to start developing relationships.   
  • Pray that I would be able to point people to Christ in my work, attitude, and words.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers - what a blessing! 


  1. Wow! Sounds like you have had a full schedule so far! Love hearing what you've been up to! Praying for you. :)

  2. Amazing, keep up the good work, great to hear how God is working. Love yah and praying for you. love-Isaac

  3. Loved reading it. Thank you for sharing Hannah!!

  4. Hannah (couldn't find the comma) first time blogger
    I saw you had a blog in the bulletin. Really enjoy reading about your experiences. Thank you for sharing. What a blessing for you us and all the children there. I will pray for you.
